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6 min read
Rewriting Postpartum: Feel your tiredness
Before having a baby, I literally had no f*ing idea what *actually* went into being a mom

4 min read
Rewrite Postpartum: The Toll of Pregnancy
Nobody ever talks about the toll pregnancy takes on every mama, not just physically.

1 min read
Rewrite postpartum: the lost art of creativity
Anonymous I was always told that when you have a baby it’s love at first sight and you’d be filled with a happiness like no other and...

3 min read
Rewriting Postpartum: And then I left the pump at home
By Maren Linn I was 7 months postpartum on the hour-long bullet train to San Francisco when I realized had forgotten the breast pump....

1 min read
Help Us Rewrite Postpartum
The story we're told about postpartum is a fantasy. Blissful bonding time, quiet snuggles, joyful parenthood. Sunlit swaying among...

3 min read
Rewriting Postpartum: Escaping jail
By Megan Where do I even begin... When I was around 30 weeks pregnant with my first, I was diagnosed with cholestasis of pregnancy. At 32...

3 min read
Rewriting Postpartum: I Had 9 Hours
By Kailyn Gath In November of 2018, I started having really bad pains in my right side and in my back. It was to the point where I...

1 min read
Rewrite Postpartum: Low Supply
By Cathy When I became pregnant myself I was excited to be able to try out stylish and cool nursing clothing and

1 min read
Rewriting Postpartum: The Miracle Child
Anonymous I'm going to start this story off by diving into the ugly truth. I found out that I was pregnant in jail. Yes, actual

1 min read
Rewriting Postpartum: Sleep
by Frances Cooke Sleep, oh sleep. My entire first year of being a mum revolved around it, or the lack of it. My son is now

1 min read
Rewriting Postpartum: Wouldn’t Change A Thing
Anonymous I have two beautiful miracles. Both arrived three weeks before my due dates. I was on bed rest during part of the first...
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