So you’re a mom.
That means you’ve kicked pregnancy’s ass and triumphed over the mayhem of baby birthing to become this MOM (the great and powerful).
But instead of the golden laurels and grape service you rightly deserve, you’re left to scour the internet only to find frumpy basic bras that pinch your throbbing betties. Worse still, the brands that create these monstrosities believe you’ve transformed into a beatific saint of motherhood, living to humbly serve your new family.
Well fuck that bullshit.
You are still your own woman whose style didn’t die in the labor and delivery room. Reject their “basic” and seize your luxury! You deserve sumptuous, sexy lingerie and Maia’s made you gorgeous bras to comfortably support your badass mom bod.
Society is telling you to change yourself. Show them that now, more than ever, you’re the boss bitch. This is your life, mama, you don’t need to change a thing.